Congratulations and very well done! Remember that your employer is lucky to have you.
You have a PM.
got it peeps!
they really like me and want me on board.
i'll be receiving the full offer and contract next week.
Congratulations and very well done! Remember that your employer is lucky to have you.
You have a PM.
...hello folks.... ...i've read countless of posts, ideas, opinions, etc here and i'm interested in your response.... ...there is a whole gamut of feelings here from individuals that are simply annoyed with the wt organization, to those that come off as hellbent on putting the org out of comission.... ...others yet seem to have made it their mission in life to eradicate the concept of god himself.... ...to any of these, what is your motivation?
and do you ever doubt that these efforts are futile?
do you feel that you posses the power/ability/means to change the convictions/faiths of the masses?
Nuff said for here and for now.
...hello folks.... ...i've read countless of posts, ideas, opinions, etc here and i'm interested in your response.... ...there is a whole gamut of feelings here from individuals that are simply annoyed with the wt organization, to those that come off as hellbent on putting the org out of comission.... ...others yet seem to have made it their mission in life to eradicate the concept of god himself.... ...to any of these, what is your motivation?
and do you ever doubt that these efforts are futile?
do you feel that you posses the power/ability/means to change the convictions/faiths of the masses?
The man was a serial rapist and abuser. CPS decided not to prosecute.
I have not forgotten him.
i have been around in this forum a lot but haven't written much yet.. also i had a more or less rude awakening when i realized that the religion i grew up with, the religion i sacrificed a lot for and considered to be the 'truth' is nothing but mere bs.
it's quite a brick to digest.. my parents both are jws, elder and pioneer.
very good people but also very brainwashed.
"First of all not to destabilize my parents"
This is such an important point. There are many people in different religions who define themselves only by their religion and would have nothing without it. In a controlling cult like JWs this can be even worse.
It is always a balancing act when trying to explain to adherents where their religion is wrong or misguided - some people just could not accept that they had wasted their lives in something that was untrue. For some people, I suspect, it is kinder to gently steer towards making appropriate progress in the 'real world' and away from the worst effects of shunning, etc., and hope that the worst effects of the religion are minimised rather than present a life-shattering volte-face.
...hello folks.... ...i've read countless of posts, ideas, opinions, etc here and i'm interested in your response.... ...there is a whole gamut of feelings here from individuals that are simply annoyed with the wt organization, to those that come off as hellbent on putting the org out of comission.... ...others yet seem to have made it their mission in life to eradicate the concept of god himself.... ...to any of these, what is your motivation?
and do you ever doubt that these efforts are futile?
do you feel that you posses the power/ability/means to change the convictions/faiths of the masses?
"Sorry to hear about your daughter (I have two). You and your mates catch the guy?"
He was caught for this and others. CPS decided not to prosecute.
we had to go off grid for a time, time and half a time as we thought we had been outed.
fortunately it was a false alarm, but it was a stressful time.
i asked for my original diary thread to be deleted in case there could be anything on there to identlfy mrs smith and i. i am always very careful when posting, and am sure there was nothing on there, but felt it best to have it removed in order to be as cautious as a dove.
Please keep the diary going. It's enjoyable and educational.
A few days ago I saw a couple of guys I recognised as dubs out on FS. The young man (college age) I've spoken to before. He is, no doubt, intelligent and was clearly uncomfortable trying to defend the 'Adam' concept. He was accompanied by a late middle-aged guy who looked worn-down, a beige wind-cheater (? an elder?). Neither looked happy and I happen to know that the door they were knocking on was the house of an immigrant family - they are muslims. Not much chance there, and as they knocked the rain started to fall like stair rods. My overwhelming thought was 'poor buggers'.
I've noticed an increase in FS locally. I wonder if this is connected with the fact that the mormons have recently started to build a new 'temple' locally.
Does anyone know, or can comment on, when one 'American sect' (cross-threading here!) shows up and seems to be doing well do other competing sects (cults) put on a special effort?
...hello folks.... ...i've read countless of posts, ideas, opinions, etc here and i'm interested in your response.... ...there is a whole gamut of feelings here from individuals that are simply annoyed with the wt organization, to those that come off as hellbent on putting the org out of comission.... ...others yet seem to have made it their mission in life to eradicate the concept of god himself.... ...to any of these, what is your motivation?
and do you ever doubt that these efforts are futile?
do you feel that you posses the power/ability/means to change the convictions/faiths of the masses?
Strange thread title - a sort of 'double negative'. Reading OP I'm taking the question as 'Do You Ever Think Your Efforts Are Futile?' so that's the question I'll answer.
As a never-was dub, I joined this site in an effort to find out more about the dubs. No, that effort was far from futile. I have learned a great deal, including the personal effects, doctrine, history, etc., and read some excellent scholarly material.
Having been touched by the dreadful experiences of shunning suffered by many, I made the effort to fly a US JWN member to the UK for a 'break' and an introduction to the 'real world'. She met my 'worldy' family and learned, or had reinforced, that us 'worldly' people outside the dubs are not so bad. (I spoke to her recently and she's doing fine). That effort was far from futile.
As a retired police officer who dealt with child abuse (and whose own daughter was raped) I have made the effort to contribute to discussions and add a 'professional' knowledge to those debates. Feedback suggests that those efforts were not futile.
And overall, as a 'worldy' never was dub, I have made efforts to offer support (practical or otherwise) to show that us 'worldly' people are not as bad as portrayed by WTBTS, that we are a 'normal' selection of good and bad, and that for those leaving the narrow and closely-controlled world of dub-dom there IS a world outside. It's natural, of course, to be apprehensive (as when entering any new environment) but there's no need to be scared. Again, feedback suggests that those efforts were not futile.
just got word that my youngest brother died of pancreatic cancer.
he was diagnosed in early august.
this has been really tough for me and my family..
So sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.
ironically, in today's wt, jws are encouraged to study the early history of the "earthly organization".
like them [the sons of korah], do you have a desire to study and recount the history of the earthly part of jehovahs organization?
the more you learn about gods organization and how jehovah supports his people, the more real gods kingdom will be to you.
(I never was a dub).
Many years ago I was interested in the history of the Mormons and the dubs. Both started about the same time in the same place.
Smith was a con-man who started a wacky religion based on dreams, gold plates only he could read, etc.
Russell was a con-man who started a wacky religion based on pyramids, chronology only he could understand, etc.
IMO, anyone who REALLY investigates the early history of the dubs will run, not walk, away.
for those who are interested.... .
(I never was a dub).
The saddest thing to me is that the vast majority of dubs won't question, consider, or even think about this stuff. They will accept it unquestioningly either because they want to (clinging to 'the truth' whatever that happens to be today) or because they are too scared to qestion because of what they've got to lose.
That is no way to live.